
Donating Artefacts to the SMHP

Guidelines and Considerations

Ensuring the Preservation and Appropriate Placement of Secwépemc Heritage Belongings

Please do not drop-off belongings (artefacts) at the SMHP. Instead, please contact the museum at or call (250.828.9749). Our staff will ask for information about the belonging, including its history, condition, purpose, and how it was found or acquired. If it meets the mandate for the museum, we will arrange a meeting and if that goes well, we will take temporary custody until a final decision is reached. This can take from a few weeks to a month or more.

Why Donate or Gift a Belonging?

There are many reasons why people donate items to a museum. Beyond the common idea that ‘it is old’ or it has significance in some way, it might represent an important part of the history of the Secwépemc Nation. We do not have unlimited storage space however, and need to make careful and transparent decisions about what belongings we accept and do not accept. Sometimes a belonging might be better off in a different museum in the Nation or Province, or with its family.